Law 360 Article Discusses our Harris Funeral Home Brief

admin Press Coverage, Statutory Construction

Bill Olson was quoted in an article by Braden Campbell called “States, Faith Groups Tell Justices To Hear Trans Bias Case,” in Law 360:  “’We have a lower federal judiciary that’s spinning out of control as circuits race toward political correctness, and if the Supreme Court doesn’t restore order, it’s hard to know where this is going to end,’ Olson said, referencing Read More

Article: Trump Administration Rift on LGBT Worker Rights Nears Showdown

admin Press Coverage, Statutory Construction

Chris Opfer of BNA News wrote an article about the Zarda case where we filed a brief and other similar cases.where LGBTQ? advocates are asking judges to re-write the 1964 Civil Rights Act to grant them special rights.

The Article quotes Bill Olson, saying “Not only is it an effort to have a societal sanction for an immoral lifestyle, but it’s being accomplished by unelected judges who are admitting Read More

Our Firm’s Amicus Briefs for GOA Ranked Among Highest in Policy Shifting Cases

admin Press Coverage

Empirical SCOTUS ranked the amicus briefs we filed for Gun Owners of America (“GOA”) tied for 13th in the country in “Policy Shifting Cases” during the period 2000-16.  This analysis focused on cases where the High Court struck down statutes as unconstitutional or overturned its own precedents.  In this listing, GOA was rated above long-time powerhouse interest groups like Read More

Article: “Court gets refresher course in who actually writes laws”

admin Press Coverage

World Net Daily ran an article about our firm’s brief filed in Zarda v. Altitude Express.  The article addressed the factual problem with the case that we raised, in that the Appellant’s brief admitted that Zarda, a homosexual, was not fired because he was homosexual, but because he “over-shared” his sexual orientation with customers.  The article also focuses on our argument that the Courts have no business legislating from the bench.

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Article: “Bar association’s speech code denounced as unconstitutional”

admin Press Coverage

This article in World Net Daily discusses the series of four articles our firm wrote for the U.S. Justice Foundation on the American Bar Association’s latest effort to make the nation’s lawyers behave in a politically correct manner — ABA Ethics Rule 8.4.  The article states “Titus and Olson contend it’s the ABA’s “plan to politically purify the legal profession.”

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