Today we filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of :
Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund,
Joyce Meyer Ministries,
Committee to Protect the Family Foundation,
Lincoln Institute for Research and Education,
American Heritage Party,
Public Advocate of the United States,
Radio Liberty, and
Spiritual Counterfeits Project, Inc.
in the pending Ten Commandments case, McCreary County, Kentucky v.ACLU of Kentucky.
Overrule Incorporation Doctrine. This amicus brief urges the U.S. Supreme Court to overrule the incorporation doctrine by which federal courts have usurped the right to oversee states, counties and cities for alleged violations of the U.S. Constitution’s bill of rights (including the Establishment Clause). The federal bill of rights was intended as a check on the federal government and not the several states, as the Supreme Court acknowledged for 150 years. The amicus brief argues that in recent decades, however, the Judiciary has employed the illegitimate incorporation doctrine to exercise its political will over the states and the people.
The Constitution does NOT necessarily mean what the Supreme Court has said it means. The brief also urges the Supreme Court justices to honor their oaths before God to “support this Constitution” as the “Supreme Law of the Land,” not looking to prior opinions of the Court for their authority. Just as with the Congress and President, the Supreme Court is under the authority of the written text of the Constitution.
CLDEF Press Release — McCreary Brief
Alliance Defense Fund summary of briefs filed in the McCreary case.