Today we filed our Jurisdictional Statement in the Supreme Court in Paul v. FEC.
An Evaluation of Postal Service Worksharing: Postal Revenues and Costs from Workshared Activities
Postal economist Dr. John Haldi and Bill Olson have co-authored a groundbreaking evaluation of Postal Service Worksharing. Their paper contains the first comprehensive study of revenues and costs of the Postal Service generated from upstream activities. It will be presented in Toledo, Spain in June 4-7, 2003, at the Eleventh “Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics” of the Center
FEC Challenge — Notice of Appeal
On May 2, 2003, the three-judge district court handed down its decision inPaul v. FEC. Today we filed our Notice of Appeal.
John Geddes Lawrence and Tyron Garner v. State of Texas
Our firm filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Public Advocate of the United States, Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, Help and Caring Ministries, Inc., and Citizens United Foundation in support of the State of Texas urging the Court to uphold the the Texas Homosexual Conduct Statute.
Petitioners challenging the Texas
Free Speech Coalition Comments to the President’s Commission on the U.S. Postal Service
Our firm submitted comments to the President’s Commission on the U.S. Postal Service, on behalf of the Free Speech Coalition, Inc., addressing (i) the Postal Service’s belief that it is the final authority with respect to most of its administrative decisions, refusing to have those decisions reviewed by anyone, even by a federal court, and (ii) the danger of granting governmental powers
Association of Priority Mail Users Comments to the President’s Commission on the U.S. Postal Service
Our firm submitted comments to the President’s Commission on the U.S. Postal Service, on behalf of the Association of Priority Mail Users, Inc., addressing statutory and cultural weakneses of the current postal system and reasons for optimism based on the current leadership of the Postal Service.
Federal Election Commission v. Christine Beaumont, et al.
Our firm filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of, Inc., Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, Gun Owners of America, Inc., English First, and U.S. Justice Foundation in support of respondents Christine Beaumont, et al. urging the Court to affirm the decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit that struck down the Federal Election
Statement Presented on Charitable Solicitation to New York State Senate
Today, Bill Olson presented a statement on behalf of the Free Speech Coalition to the Committee on Consumer Protection of the New York State Senate. The Senate Committee had sought input on the “public disclosure of charities rates of donor retention and use, industry regulation and the adequacy of current laws pertaining to charitable telemarketing solicitation.”
James E. Ryan, Attorney General of Illinois v. Telemarketing Associates, Inc, et al.
Our firm filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of the Free Speech Defense and Education Fund, Inc., Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, American Target Advertising, Inc., Eberle Communications Group, Inc., Gun Owners Foundation, English First, Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, and Citizens United Foundation in support of respondents Telemarketing Associates,
Comments on Proposed Settlement in Postal Rate Commission Docket No. MC2002-3
Our firm filed comments on the proposed settlement in Postal Rate Commission Docket No. MC2002-3 on behalf of Valpak regarding the policy issues which will be embodied in the Commission’s Opinion and Recommended Decision in this case.
FEC Challenge — Reply Brief
Today we filed our reply brief in Paul, et al. v. FEC, et al.
FEC Challenge — Proposed Findings of Fact
Today we filed our proposed findings of fact in Paul, et al. v. FEC, et al.
FEC Challenge — Opposition Brief
Today we filed our opposition brief in Paul, et al. v. FEC, et al.
Aid Association for Lutherans v. United States Postal Service
Our firm filed an amicus curiae brief on behalf of the Free Speech Defense and Education Fund focusing on the lack of procedural due process that inexorably attaches to the Postal Service’s interpretation of 39 U.S.C. section 3626(j)(1)(B) that its decisions as to who can mail what at nonprofit rates are not reviewable in federal court. Our constitutional analysis supplies the court with an
FEC Challenge — Initial Brief
Today we filed our initial brief on behalf of Congressman Ron Paul, Gun Owners of America, Inc., Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund,, Citizens United, Citizens United Political Victory Fund, Michael Cloud, and Carla Howell in their challenge to the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act.
FEC Challenge — Fact Witness Testimony
Today we filed the following testimony of our fact witnesses inPaul, et al. v. FEC, et al. challenging the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act:
FEC Challenge — Expert Witness Reports
Today we filed the following expert witness reports in Paul, et al.v. FEC, et al. challenging the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act:
Comments Regarding Electioneering Communications
Bill Olson filed these comments to the Federal Election Commission in response to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Electioneering Communications.
Postal Ratemaking Summit
Bill Olson was a panelist at the recent Postal Ratemaking Summit in Potomac, Maryland sponsored by the U.S. Postal Service and the Postal Rate Commission, as discussed in this DM News article.
Bill Olson and John Haldi submitted these Issues for Discussion at the Postal Ratemaking Summit.
David M. Walker v. Richard B. Cheney Amicus Brief
Today we filed an amicus brief for the Center for Government Integrity, a project of Citizens United Foundation, in support of Defendant Richard B. Cheney’s Motion to Dismiss or For Summary Judgement with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
FEC Challenge — Amended Complaint
Today we filed an amended complaint in the case of Paul, et al.v. FEC, et al.
FEC Challenge — Press Coverage
A Washington Times article quoted Bill Olson regarding the opposition to the campaign reform act and the corresponding lawsuits.
Executive Order Study Cited
The executive order study, co-authored by Bill Olson, was cited in the statement of Morton Rosenberg, Congressional Research Service, before the House Subcommittee on Efficiency, Financial Management and Intergovernmental Relations, Committee on Government Reform, concerning H.R. 4187, The Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2002.