Bill Olson and Herb Titus co-authored an article entitled “Protecting Anonymity in Advocacy” for The Philanthropy Monthly, Volume 34, Nos. 3 & 4, January 2002.
Census 2000 Fight Continues — Petition for Certiorari filed
On Tuesday, January 8, 2002, a petition for writ of certiorari was filed in the United States Supreme Court on behalf of Edgar Morales and four other residents of Texas seeking review of the constitutionality of Census 2000. At issue is whether Congress has the power to require, under penalty of law, that the American people answer questions on race, employment, housing and other subjects invading
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society v. Village of Stratton
On October 15, 2001, the United States Supreme Court granted a petition for certiorari to review whether the First Amendment guarantee of anonymous speech barred the Village of Stratton, Ohio, from enforcing a permit system which required “canvassers, solicitors, peddlars [or] hawkers” to identify themselves before going from door to door of private residences for the “purpose of advertising,
Executive Order Press Coverage
A article quoted Bill Olson regarding executive power grab through national emergencies and executive orders.
President Bush Declares Another State of Emergency
President Bush issued a new executive order declaring another state of national emergency and invoking certain additional standby powers. President Bush relies on actions of the United Nations as a principal source of his authority to defend the United States. This curious practice perpetuates the approach taken by President Clinton.
President Bush Declares Another State of Emergency
President Bush issued a new executive order declaring another state of national emergency and invoking certain additional standby powers. President Bush relies on actions of the United Nations as a principal source of his authority to defend the United States. This curious practice perpetuates the approach taken by President Clinton.
President Bush Declares State of Emergency
Since his inauguration, President George W. Bush has issued two Executive Orders declaring national emergencies. The second was issued September 14, retroactive to September 11, 2001.
Reagan Executive Order Assigning Federal Agencies Authority Over American Economy
President Bush’s declaration of a national state of emergency invokes stand-by powers contained in Executive Order, No. 12656 issued by President Ronald W. Reagan. Attached is a synopsis of the Executive Order as well as the Executive Order itself.
Executive Orders and Proclamations Declaring National Emergencies
President Wilson was the first President to declare a national emergency, on February 5, 1917. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, Richard M. Nixon, James E. Carter, Ronald W. Reagan, George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, and George Walker Bush have all issued national emergency declarations.
Contrasting Views on Preserving Civil Liberties in the Aftermath of an Attack
We assembled some quotations from founding fathers and current political figures which present a sharp contrast as to whether Americans need be concerned about the preservation of our civil liberties.
Michael New v. United States — Petition for Certiorari
On Monday, September 10, 2001, nearly six years after he refused to put on the United Nations uniform and to submit to the command and control of a foreign military officer, Michael New has taken his fight for justice to the United States Supreme Court.
At the heart of his appeal is New’s right to his day in court. In a petition for writ of certiorari, New is asking the High Court to overrule
J. Barrett Hyman, M.D. v. The City of Louisville, et al.
The City of Louisville and Jefferson County, Kentucky, enacted ordinances to prohibit discrimination based on “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” J. Barrett Hyman, M.D. held Biblical and constitutional objections to complying with these ordinances in his practice of obstetrics and gynecology, and his suit to have them declared unlawful was dismissed by the trial court.
“Unveiling Donor Lists Unpopular”
Bill Olson was quoted today by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette describing how a letter circulated by the Free Speech Coalition stalled momentum for a bill requiring the disclosure of contributors to nonprofit organizations.
America: Republic or Democracy?
Did our founding fathers intend to create a republic or a democracy? A misunderstanding of the original plan leads to all sorts of other errors, yet presidents, congressmen, and federal judges still view America as a democracy, almost never employing the term republic. Is the principal purpose of government to do the will of the people or to prevent the majority from doing injustice and violence
New Postmaster General
Bill Olson was quoted today on discussing the Postal Service’s new Postmaster General.
Comments Filed for Free Speech Coalition Regarding IRS Regulation of Excess Benefit Transactions
Our firm filed comments on behalf of the Free Speech Coalition, Inc. with the Internal Revenue Service regarding IRS temporary regulations relating to excise taxes on excess benefit transactions under section 4958 of the Internal Revenue Code. These comments were discussed on the front page of the April 30, 2001 issue of EOTR (Exempt Organization Tax Review) Weekly
Herb Titus Testifies before South Carolina Legislature on Right to Life
Leaders of the pro-life movement in America commonly believe that the only constitutionally sound strategy for restoring the right to life is to take action at the national level. Thus, they have urged the election of pro-life presidents and members of Congress to secure the appointment of pro-life Supreme Court justices, and if necessary, a pro-life amendment to the United States Constitution.
Engage: The Journal of the Federalist Society’s Practice Groups
Bill Olson co-authored “Clintonian Usurpation by Executive Order” published in Engage: The Journal of the Federalist Society’s Practice Groups ― 2001 Edition.