“Appointment of Seven Members of the Legal Services Corporation, and Designation of Acting Chairman”
President Reagan designated Bill Olson as Acting Chariman of the Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation.
Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization, et al. v. United States of America
Representing Public Service Research Council, this brief urges the Supreme Court to uphold President Reagan’s firing of air traffic controllers engaged in illegal strike activity.
National Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults, et al. v. USPS
Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia gave us a victory in our challenge to Postal Service pricing which discriminated against nonprofit mailers.
President-Elect Reagan Letter regarding Service on Reagan Transition Team
Bill Olson received a memorandum from President-Elect Reagan thanking him for the submission of the Final Report of the Transition Team for the Legal Service Corporation which Bill chaired.