Our American Thinker Article Rebutting U.S. Department of Justice White Paper Supporting Presidential Authority to Kill American Citizens Off the Battlefield

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This morning, the American Thinker published an article by Herb Titus and Bill Olson refuting the President’s claims of authority to kill American citizens off the battlefield.

Our article is a legal rebuttal of the U.S. Department of Justice’s White Paper purporting to defend President Obama’s position.

Link to article

Memorandum for Delegate Bob Marshall on H.B. 1160 — A bill to Prevent Virginia from Aiding the U.S. Military in the Detention of Virginians under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012

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Herb Titus wrote a memorandum for Delegate Bob Marshall on H.B. 1160 — A bill to Prevent Virginia from Aiding the U.S. Military in the Detention of Virginians under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. The memorandum discusses the interplay between Virginia H.B. 1160 and the federal law that it addresses, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.

Delegate Bob Marshall sent this Read More