Bill Olson speaks at Constitution Day Tea Party Event

admin Appearances

Bill Olson spoke on the topic of  “Techniques that the U.S. Supreme Court uses to Override the Constitutional Text.”  The event was the Constitution Day Dinner of the Northern Shenandoah Valley Tea Party in Winchester, Virginia.

Monumental — The Movie

admin Appearances

Herb Titus was among the historians and scholars appearing in Kirk Cameron’s movie Monumental:  In Search of America’s National Treasure.

Bill Olson Presentations at LPAC 2011 — The Liberty Political Action Conference — Reno, NV

admin Appearances

Bill Olson spoke at LPAC 2011 — The Liberty Political Action Conference — in Reno, Nevada. On Friday, September 16th, he spoke on “Executive Orders, States of Emergency, & Emergency Powers.” On Saturday, September 17th, he first spoke on “Reinvigorating the Fourth Amendment” and, then was on a panel entitled “Civil Liberties Update” together with Read More

Bill Olson Interviewed on Conservative Roundtable TV Show on Health Freedom Issues

admin Appearances, Health Law, Press Coverage

Bill Olson was a guest on Conservative Roundtable’s Television show to discuss health freedom issues. Among the matters discussed was the Daniel Chapter One case, where our firm is assisting in the defense of a health-related ministry promoting herbal and alternative medical products from an attack by the FTC. Information about the FTC attack on this ministry.

Link to video

Herb Titus debates Barry Lynn at American Vision Superconference

admin Appearances

Herb Titus squared off in a formal debate against Barry Lynn, Executive Director of the Americans United for Separation of Church and State before the American Vision Superconference held at the Ridgecrest Conference Center near Ashville, North Carolina.  The topic was:  “Does the No Establishment of Religion Guarantee Prohibit a Biblically-based Public Policy.”

Lynn took the affirmative, Read More

State of Wyoming v. BATF District Court Oral Argument

admin Appearances, Constitutional Law, U. S. District Court, State of Wyoming

On October 6, 2006, our attorneys had the opportunity to present oral argument in support of the Gun Owners Foundation amicus brief in Wyoming v. BATF.  At stake in this litigation before the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming is the statutory and constitutional right of the state of Wyoming to conduct its own criminal background check for purchasers of firearms in Wyoming.  Read More

Olson Speaks at National Taxpayers Conference

admin Appearances

Bill Olson was a speaker at the 2005 National Taxpayers Conference, sponsored by the National Taxpayers Union and National Taxpayers Union Foundation. The topic of his presentation was “Combatting Government Threats to Nonprofit Organizations.”

Herb Titus Testifies before South Carolina Legislature on Right to Life

admin Appearances

Leaders of the pro-life movement in America commonly believe that the only constitutionally sound strategy for restoring the right to life is to take action at the national level. Thus, they have urged the election of pro-life presidents and members of Congress to secure the appointment of pro-life Supreme Court justices, and if necessary, a pro-life amendment to the United States Constitution. Read More

Bill Olson Appears on the O’Reilly Factor

admin Appearances, Executive Orders, Press Coverage

Today, Bill Olson was a guest of Bill O’Reilly (The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News) to discuss President Clinton’s abuse of Executive Orders. He discussed the Separation of Powers issue, current states of national emergency, the Permanent Striker Replacement Executive Order (No. 12954), and the Grand Staircase-Escalante Monument Proclamation (No. 6920 issued under the Antiquities Act Read More