Today our firm filed an amicus brief in the case of State of Arizona et al.v. United States in the United States Supreme Court in support of petitioners.
Our amicus brief argues that S.B. 1070 is a constitutional exercise of Arizona’s inherent power of self-preservation, the purpose of which is “attrition” of the numbers of illegal aliens living in Arizona. As an exercise of the State’s concurrent power over immigration, Arizona’s S.B. 1070 is not preempted by federal law. Arizona’s S.B. 1070 is an exercise of its constitutional power to engage in war against an actual invasion. The current illegal immigration into Arizona constitutes an “actual invasion,” and Arizona’s “policy of attrition by enforcement” is a proper exercise of its express power to defend against an actual invasion. Instead of performing its constitutional duty to protect Arizona against invasion, the federal government has undermined the State, placing upon it unfunded mandates that attract illegal aliens into the State, and bestowing benefits upon illegal aliens for political reasons.
Our amicus brief was filed on behalf of:
U.S. Border Control
U.S. Border Control Foundation
Policy Analysis Center
Institute on the Constitution
The Lincoln Institute for Research and Education
Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund
Gun Owners of America, Inc.
Gun Owners Foundation
English First
English First Foundation
Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall
Oklahoma Representative Charles Key
Wyoming Senator Kit Jennings