Alicia Kutzer and Bill Olson discuss our U.S Supreme Court amicus brief in Bost v. Illinois State Board of Elections, a case challenging Illinois’ “Ballot Receipt Deadline Statute,” which purports to extend “election day” by allowing state election officials to continue receiving and counting absentee ballots for up to 14 days after the polls officially close.
Law Matters — Episode 14
Attorneys Alicia Kutzer and Bill Olson discuss the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) and our Supreme Court amicus brief in Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc., et al., v. Mexico.
Law Matters — Episode 13
Alicia Kutzer and Bill Olson discuss our Parents Defending Education v. Olentangy Local School District amicus brief at the Sixth Circuit. In this case, a school district is censoring the free speech rights of students by banning the use of pronouns reflective of the biological sex of another student and compelling the use of other students’ preferred pronouns.
Law Matters — Episode 12
Alicia Kutzer and Bill Olson discus the constitutionality of the Corporate Transparency Act and our Amicus brief in Hotze v. U.S. Department of Treasury.
Law Matters — Episode 11
Alicia Kutzer and Bill Olson discuss our U.S. Supreme Court Amicus brief in Maryland Shall Issue, Inc. (MSI) v. Moore, a Second Amendment case.
Law Matters — Episode 10
Alicia Kutzer and Bill Olson discuss our Amicus brief in U.S. v Trump, the “classified documents” case before the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, exploring the legitimacy of the Department of Justice’s appointment of Jack Smith as Special Counsel under the Constitution’s “Appointments Clause.”
Law Matters — Episode 9
Alicia Kutzer and Bill Olson discuss our recent amicus brief in Mahmoud v. Taylor, and the First Amendment’s “establishment of religion” and “free exercise” clauses.
Law Matters — Episode 8
Alicia Kutzer and Bill Olson discus the “stop and frisk” doctrine and our Supreme Court of the United States amicus brief in Cooper v. United States.
Law Matters — Episode 7
Alicia Kutzer and Bill Olson discuss “standing” and our Amicus brief in the Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. v. Biden case at the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
Law Matters — Episode 6
In Episode 6, we discuss our 11th Circuit amicus brief in Doe v Ladapo, supporting Florida’s “Let Kids Be Kids” law protecting children from harmful puberty blockers, hormone-altering drugs, and mutilating surgeries.
Law Matters — Episode 5
In Episode 5, we discussed our amicus briefs supporting petitions for certiorari in Little v. Hecox and West Virginia v. B.P.J..
Law Matters — Episode 4
The subject today was the amicus brief we filed in New York v. Trump, filed August 2, 2024.
Law Matters — Episode 3
This episode addresses our recent amicus brief in Parents Protecting Our Children v. Eau Claire Wisconsin.
Law Matters — Episode 2
This episode addresses Trump v. United States, Fischer v. United States, and Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo.
Law Matters — Episode 1
This initial episode addresses Separation of Powers, lawfare, the role of amicus briefs, Garland v. Cargill, and Tennessee v. Department of Education.
Rob Olson Presents Oral Argument before En Banc Sixth Circuit in Bumpstock Case
Today, Rob Olson presented oral argument before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit sitting en banc in our continuing litigation against ATF’s bump stock regulation issued in December 2018. The Sixth Circuit granted rehearing en banc after a three-judge panel ruled against the bump stock ban earlier this year. Audio of the oral argument is available.
Testimony given opposing Article V Constitutional Convention in South Carolina
This afternoon, Bill Olson testified via ZOOM before a subcommittee of the South Carolina Judiciary Committee opposing various bills calling for an Article V Convention of the States, also known as a Constitutional Convention. He also submitted the paper he and Herb Titus wrote exposing the false premises and false assurances of those supporting this radical proposal.
The Paper submitted to the Subcommittee is entitled “The ‘Con-Con’ Con” is available here.
VCDL Lobby Day Rally in Richmond, Virginia
Today our firm was represented at VCDL Lobby Day in Richmond by Bill Olson, Jeremiah Morgan, and Robert Olson, left to right below. We were obviously dressed for the occasion, as the temperature climbed slowly from 25 degrees when we hit the streets. Honored to stand for “the right to keep and bear arms” with tens of thousands of peaceful, law-abiding Virginians and others from around the country. There was no place in America which was more safe than in the middle of this well-equipped assembly exercising our right to petition government.

On the far side of the Capitol Grounds, that few saw, were staged numerous emergency vehicles, including this one on which was painted these words: “Mass Casualty/Evacuation Transport Unit.”
Fauquier County (Virginia) Board of Supervisors Hearing on Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution
Tonight, approximately 3,000 people came out to support Fauquier County, Virginia adopting a Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution. Rob Olson spoke out in favor of the resolution supported by Virginia Civilian Defense League (VCDL), but against the watered down version that had been proposed. As he advised the elected officials: “Let’s do better than this. Let’s grow a spine and adopt something that’s meaningful.” Watch the video here.
Article: “Sixth Circuit Hears Debate Over Legality of Bump Stocks”
Today, Rob Olson presented oral argument before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in our continuing litigation against ATF’s bump stock regulation issued in December 2018. The issue today before the court was the correctness of District Judge Paul Maloney’s ruling denying our motion for a preliminary injunction against the regulation. This article in CourthouseNews discusses the oral argument.
With Gun Owners of America at Second Amendment Rally in D.C.
Rob Olson joined with Tim Harmsen of the Military Arms Channel, Erich Pratt and Jordan Stein to attend today’s Second Amendment Rally in Washington D.C. Tim Harmsen is one of the plaintiffs, along with GOA and GOF, in challenging the ATF Bumpstock ban.
Southwest Prophecy Ministries Podcast — Bill Olson Interviewed about Pending Cases
Bill Olson was interviewed by David Schnittger of Southwest Prophecy Ministry about briefs filed by the firm in recent cases.