The Cato Institute study on executive orders, co-authored by Bill Olson, was quoted in the PERC report “End of the Road?” by Shannon Fitzsimmons.
State of North Dakota v. Family Life Services, Inc., et al. (Reply Brief)
The Attorney General of North Dakota filed a responsive brief to our initial brief in this case. Our firm filed this reply brief to the Attorney Gerneral’s brief.
The statement of the issues in this case from the various parties are also available here.
ATA v. Giani
Our firm filed the brief of Free Speech Defense and Education Fund as amici curiae in support of petitioner in American Target Advertising, Inc. v. Francine A. Giani, Division Director, Utah Division of Consumer Protection in the United States Supreme Court. The brief argues that Utah’s Charitable Solicitations Act is unconstitutional. The Free Speech Defense and Education Fund was joined
Free Speech Coalition
Human Events wrote an article about our work for The Free Speech Coalition.
Boy Scout Brief (on the Merits)
Our firm filed a second brief in the United States Supreme Court in the Boy Scout case — this time after certiorari was granted — on the merits of the Boy Scouts’ arguments for reversal.
State of North Dakota v. Family Life Services, Inc., et al.
Our firm was retained as appellate counsel for a nonprofit, pro-life organization under attack by the Attorney General of North Dakota.
This brief explains the circumstances of the case, as well as the statutory and constitutional issues involved in overreaching by the Attorney General and the North Dakota trial court.
Abusing Executive Orders, A Word from Congressman Zach Wamp (January 2000)
The Cato Institute study on executive orders, co-authored by Bill Olson, was quoted by Congressman Zach Wamp.
More Executive Order Study Press Coverage
The Cato Institute study on executive orders, co-authored by Bill Olson, was quoted in this article “Conservatives Seek to Limit Executive Orders” by Michael Posner.
Chenoweth, et al. v. Clinton, et al.
Today we filed an amicus curiae brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of eight members of Congress (Hon. John T. Doolittle, Hon. George Radanovich, Hon. Tom Tancredo, Hon. Bob Stump, Hon. Barbara Cubin, Hon. Tom A. Coburn, Hon. Wally Herger, and Hon. John E. Perterson) and four nonprofit organizations (Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, Gun Owners Foundation, Citizens United
Executive Order Study Press Coverage
The Cato Institute study co-authored by Bill Olson, “Executive Orders and National Emergencies: How Presidents Have Come to ‘Run the Country’ by Usurping Legislative Power,” was quoted in this Enter Stage Right article “Congress Must Seize Back the Law-making Power.”
John Hay Hooker v. FEC
Our firm represented Presidential candidate Howard Phillips and The Constitution Party, who were named defendants in the case of Hooker v. FEC. On December 15, 1999, we filed a Motion to Dismiss and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in support thereof, in the case in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee, which was granted on April 12, 2000. John Jay Hooker
“Clinton’s Abuse of Executive Power”
Bill Olson and the study he co-authored, “Executive Orders and National Emergencies: How Presidents Have Come to ‘Run the Country’ by Usurping Legislative Power,” were mentioned in this Insight on the News article.
A Constitutional Analysis of H.R. 2655 – The Separation of Powers Restoration Act, by William J. Olson
Cato Institute Policy Analysis
by William J. Olson and Alan Woll
October 28, 1999
Executive Orders and National Emergencies: How Presidents Have Come to “Run the Country” by Usurping Legislative Power
Boy Scout Brief (on Petition for Writ of Certiorari)
The Olson law firm filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Public Advocate of the United States and the Lincoln Institute for Research and Education defending the right of the Boy Scouts to determine their own leadership.
This brief urges that the U.S. Supreme Court grant certiorari and review the decision of the New Jersey Supreme Court which compels the Boy Scouts
CATO Study: The Power of a President to Rule by Executive Order
“The problem of presidents’ using executive orders to legislate, usurping the powers of Congress or the states, has grown exponentially with the expansion of government in the 20th century,” William Olson, co-author of a new Cato Institute study on the abuse of executive orders, told the Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process of the House Rules Committee today. “This raises fundamental
Testimony on Executive Orders before the House Rules Committee’s Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process
Bill Olson was asked to testify before the House Rules Committee’s Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process. The topic of the hearing was “The Impact of Executive Orders on the Legislative Process: Executive Lawmaking?” Bill Olson also submitted answers to questions before the House Rules Committee’s Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process.
Memorandum for the President:
Presidential Powers To Use the U.S. Armed Forces To Control Potential Civilian Disturbances
This memorandum is fictional but accurately depicts the broad powers enjoyed by presidents to utilize U.S. military forces to address domestic disturbances.
Free Speech Coalition Comments to FEC on Membership
On behalf of the Free Speech Coalition, we filed comments with the Federal Election Commission supporting the proposed changes to revise the definition of a “member” of a membership organization, so long as the changes set forth in FSC’s comments are incorporated into the adopted regulations. The first change is that membership organizations be permitted to waive the dues criterion
American Target Advertising, Inc. v. Giani Amicus Brief
Our firm filed an amicus brief for the Free Speech Defense and Education Fund, et al. in the case of American Target Advertising, Inc.v. Francine A. Giani in the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in support of appellant.
Census Case, U.S. Supreme Court
Our firm filed an amicus brief for the National Citizens Legal Network, U.S. Border Control, Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, English First Foundation, and Policy Analysis Center in the case of Clinton v. Glavin in the United States Supreme Court in support of appellees.
Comments of the Free Speech Coalition, Inc., Excise Taxes On Excess Benefit Transactions, Internal Revenue Service
On behalf of the Free Speech Coalition, Inc. we filed comments with the Internal Revenue Service regarding the proposed regulations relating to the excise taxes on excess benefit transactions.